vineri, 5 iunie 2020

Guess ! Crescent, star or cross ?

We, people from this reservation, are very curious what symbol will be put on this barn at the end of the construction. I think the best way is to organize a referendum or a census to establish this.
Or to put all these, considering that it is enough space for all.
Remember that the Oborul Nou church (Ghita Branzaru or Popa Lazar) is overcrowded, Capra church is for the cemetery and Fantanica. We have the opportunity to climb and install the symbol of the majority. Don't think twice !

This is another challenge for the neighbor across the street, the revenge of the demolished house owner and probably linked to the faith of the bartender who rented the location...

Un comentariu:

  1. Numpang promo ya Admin^^
    mau dapat penghasil4n dengan cara lebih mudah....
    mari segera bergabung dengan kami.....
    di^_~3:23 PM 15-Sep-20
    segera di add Whatshapp : +855969190856
